4-H Youth Development

Head - Heart - Hands - Health

Welcome to 4-H in Carroll County. My name is Amanda Paschall, and I am the 4-H agent for Carroll County. I have been with UT and TSU Extension for 7 years.

There are links for contest, events and activities, and after school programs that you can participate in. I am EXCITED for this school year! 4-H is a special program because we have something for everyone. I hope you join us!

4-H Pledge

I pledge my Head to clearer thinking,

my Heart to greater loyalty,

my Hands to larger service,

and my Health to better living, for my club, my community, my country and my world.

Carroll 4H logo

Contact Information

Amanda Paschall
Extension Agent II
Phone: (731) 986-1976

Carroll Co. 4-H Programs

Judging Teams


4-H Camps​

Chick Chain


Teen Club

Carroll County Junior Livestock

Carroll County 4-H facebook banner